Where Anything Goes twitter/trashbaggage

Hollywood images

…see how Hollywood uses images of light-skinned black people, brainwashing all of America to erase the image of the original dark-skinned black man…
Separatism, divide and conquer turning one another.
White America is rapidly killing off the black family using bold tactics , detrimental and subliminal messages through television marketing nshit. Tampering with the minds of black women & children, crippling the leadership of the black man.
This country economy is strengthened by the backs of black folks. America is still guilty & responsible for the lasso around the necks,choking the life out of black people then & now… It’s becoming to a point black people got one option for protection, a gun instead of a pen & voice… Everything in ink has faded away just like the words & promises this country has lied to all shades of black people. Breaching every contract ,homing us in confined Institutions & still withholding our born given constitutional rights without any justification…  Movies, the big screen & America, negative next big scene…
*the imprints on the identification of black people*.
You can’t falsely potray us with bullshit anymore…





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