Where Anything Goes twitter/trashbaggage

Be mad if you choose to, but stop believing that you need top brands to look rich when, in reality, you’re broke. The average young generation, from twenty-five to forty-five years of age, spends money on frivolous things and doesn’t invest in themselves. If your possessions include gold and tiny low-quality diamond chains, Air Jordans of every variety, and Nike clothing, I bet you are the same people financial institute statistics show us: the average home has savings of less than five hundred dollars all year.

I learned, I would rather sit at home and work, study, execute ideas and plans for the next move, and save my money. After achieving my mission, I will have my daytime party. I was taught by the streets to leave and allow everyone else to own them. Nightlife isn’t for entrepreneurs because that’s not office hours. We closed! We rise with the sun to shine. The sparkle of life is much brighter in the day. Also, most of your celebrations occur on your regular weekend because it’s the weekend. It’s living the slogan, “Thank God it’s Friday, party time over here,” and nothing to celebrate unless spending is the reason, as usual. But… IT’S YOUR LIFE. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

…Sly Cain🀣

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