Where Anything Goes twitter/trashbaggage

pro wrestlers

wrestling is just some bullshit i can’t get…its a bunch of big..buff..shiny men in stockings!..looking like off brand ass super heroes ..which person in their right mind is gonna be jumping off a tight rope ..doing a helicopter spin by another man holding his ass supended in mid air ..being held by his baggy nutsack.. then one flips the other ass up on his belly…then lands with his elbow in the other guy’s back..WITH his face stuck in the guy’s ass cheeks…probably funky as hell..then keeps his face buried in his stocking covered ass for a 10 count..aww hell naw..atleast count to 5..LMAO..so at least he can breathe..lmao…”DING DING DING!! ” is that lunch or the fight’s over? ..Guess it doesn’t matter.. shit fake anyway..lmao


Comments on: "pro wrestlers" (3)

  1. we like to pretend wrestle at lunchtime here at work (at the post office). it’s like you describe, only nobody is buff.


  2. I feel that way about boxing.

    I see pro-wrestling in the commercial shows like WWE and TNA as scripted soap opera with scripted wrestling. It’s not easy or fake in that you have to be fit, it’s hard work because at the end of the day it’s stuntpersonship and being a stunt person isn’t easy. It’s fake in that it’s choreographed to have damage limitation, and punches and kicks are obviously fake but the rest of it take a lot of work and it’s very draining on the athletes/actors hence so many of their high profiled addictions to pain medication.

    Basically if someone likes soap operas and ‘fighting’ then it’s entertaining – though I don’t like the way they market it as family friendly, it’s obviously adult entertainment and the females are shown/treated like porn stars.


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