Where Anything Goes twitter/trashbaggage

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Your food pictures don’t stand out as top attractions when dining. If you’re aiming to showcase your culinary experiences to the world, a slab of wax cheese, cheap pizza won’t cut it—that unappetizing combination of nasty shit is not acceptable. It would be more intriguing if you displayed a passion for exploring and savoring high-quality cuisine. I have no interest in viewing a plate featuring raw onions, tough skin, greasy chicken, and stovetop cornbread drowning in a ton of butter. I believe indulging in artery-clogging foods like ham hocks and hog nuts, surrounded by greasy chitlins and greens, is far from a healthy choice. I understand that many of you might have a soft spot for such dishes, but consuming greasy shit isn’t exactly a heart-healthy pursuit. Let’s keep in mind that this post is meant to be humorous. It’s all in good fun, and everyone has different tastes and preferences regarding FOOD.

…Sly Cain

Your Bio

Damn, you’re either applying for a new job or auditioning for a TV commercial. I am blown the fuck away by the BIOs in profiles. I’m a bit curious about the amount of your success and certifications that don’t align with your lifestyle, as displayed in your posts, videos, and TikToks. So, why are you working eight jobs in three shifts and complaining about paying your water bills, but seeing taking a selfie at Red Lobster eating a Lobster platter of six and one for take-out in the amount of your water & gas bill? The car is driving on a doughnut without a headlight. I think some of you emphasize too much of the wrong stuff to impress people who don’t matter. It doesn’t matter to me, I’m a random guy who you don’t know. Don’t mind me, that’s YOUR BIO.

…Sly Cain


Y’all gonna learn to quit listening to muhfuckas and their sayings “love has no color” that’s a myth, and yes it does. Millions decide to love those that are of different colors before starting into a biracial relationship. Negros, always seem to be the only muhfuckas confused about what is people of color. And yet to say” I want a white girl or a boy” if WHITE is an actual color. Many people prefer to choose partners based solely on their color. Some refuse to accept the love of those that aren’t of the same color or race. You can choose what color you wish to love, but don’t feed me that bullshit you can’t help you fell in love with someone and color didn’t matter, it always matters. Besides, many of you dig deep to find a reason to look past color, just to have the choice of choosing someone because of color. Stop lying because you are scared to confront the truth! You heard white people criticize their own because of dating someone black, name-calling them a Nigger lover, just as you dark-colored muhfuckas who love whites, are considered as Honky lovers. People choose colors that attract them, just like buying a vehicle. I will always want my woman in BLACK

…Sly Cain

No goodbyes

Young folks nowadays idolize music artists way too much! When your life is directed by a certain sound of cultural music, and people that are presently using drugs and alcohol, and don’t feel the urgency to rehabilitate, then how is it your music is healing at any point when you both are drowning in the same boat together?!… People sometimes are only interested in a hypnotic state of glamour, that’s toxic and not understanding if there’s a message in the music of saving souls. Instead, they are guided by the flashing radiant lights to a suicidal pool of hell to a point of no return. Nowadays, people aren’t concerned if they influence weak minds or not, the only consistency with today’s artists after the music, is a game of dare & haze that involves sex & abusive challenges, and tons of money to extend an overdose into the everlasting afterlife, without kisses and NO GOODBYES

…Sly Cain

Snoop Dogg!!!

If, it isn’t Snoop and others like him who set-up camps for “inner-city kids” or the hood, then I have no use to mention your organizations. They’re many wealthy athletes with salaries from the participation of average income attendees, its African-Americans, and Hispanics communities who need camps like Snoops. Guys like Kobe & Jordan, is out, for one thing, its money!!!
You would think, two great legends would be more compassionate considering they both came from strong black parents in the same home and would have learned to give a token of appreciation without it being costly, to benefit black children. But, seeing the legends wives from different nationalities and culture, that might be a little self-explanatory as to why, they charge an enormous entry fee, at least from my perspective. Shaq, is Santa during Christmas, Em okay!
But, its Snoops mentoring & sports program where kids learn organized sports & discipline. That exemplifies what being big-time is…


…Sly Cain


Happy Fourth

Happy 4th of July.
I don’t know what this day is celebrated for..
and to be completely honest..
I don’t really give fucks.. and I don’t know anyone who does.. Lol
I’m just gonna have drinks..(already started)
Smoke trees..
Eat food..and have a good time watching the awesome illegal fireworks..Lol
I love illegal fireworks! 😄
I love today!😍

So, turn up and keep it safe.
Enjoy your fourth!
Good day🎆😘🎇



“I’m spoiled”

You think that compatibility is your man taking you to places that he hates, just to shut you up, ALL OF THE TIME?

You think you’re “spoiled” huh?
You think he’s having fun doing that huh?
You think that’s cute huh?
You like sayin what he “betta” do for you huh?
You’re not selfish huh?
You just want your way huh?

Ever thought that the 2 of you could do something that the 2 of you would like, simultaneously? 💑
Ever thought about a new, fun bitch just coming out of the universe🙋..
and stealing “YO MAN”?💏,
to go do all of the things that he’d like to do?
because those are the same things that she loves to do?
Ever thought about that?

So let me ask you again?
Are you compatible?
Or comfortable?



Yeah, the realist AD! That’s right. ..You’ll see it in Little Rock, Los Angeles, Las Vegas & Sacramento just to name a few cities. ..
This Brand is rising fast…Along with Artists, Comedians, Deejays and the people representing from all around the country…
This is a brand that is affiliated with the peoples’ choice from the HOOD to SUBURBS.
So when you see the TEE don’t ask WHY…just know its something big & hot…
So look again this brand is the ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTION…No need to ask or second guess. ..
Just know it’s here to stay doing big thangs & promotions!!! Its the brand, ask for Tyrone, you’ll get
TEE WHY? entertainment


…Sly Cain

“Pot Boiling”

People scream this shit like its a call to come and get your dinner…The water is boiling…You walk in the house and starts screaming “WHO LEFT THE POT ON”…Funny…Because all you have to do is cut the shit off…
Its like you want the person that was POT BOILING WATER…to suffer cause they did some wrong shit by leaving the POT unattended…Makes it seem as if you’re gonna punish them…
Its a simple fix…Pour another pot…Until it boils out for the next scream muhfuckas…


They showed us huh? LOL

Trashbaggage.Com had a few fake viewers, lol they tried to pump fake us with their “Likes”, so we called their bluff and gave them a shoutOut, you know, told em how much we appreciate them and all that types of shit. That went right ahead and proved my point when I told my cousin .. “THEM MUTHAFUCKAS JUST LIKING AND AINT READING”..
And come to find out, I knew what I was talking about. Do you know that NONE of them liked that post with THEIR names in it? Hmmm
☝that’s when I knew they were FAKE! ..not fake as in, not who they say they are, but fake as in “they pretending to be fans”..
These people grouped up together and stopped liking our shit.. Thinking they’d be harming us.. L M A O! They thought they were boycotting us! LMAO! They don’t know that majority of our views has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM! Mind you, it was only a few people! Lmao! So I guess they’re thinking we over here hurting, sad & depressed and don’t wanna continue on with this writing shit huh? Lmao
Gotdamn they funny! I guess they’ll group up & go be fake on somebody else’s shit so that person can visit and like their shit back huh? Lmao
Boycott that! t•_•t